Principal Investigator

Nano Technology, Meta-Surface, Optics & Fabrication

y.liu [at]

Prof. Yongmin Liu

Associate Professor of EE & MIE

Office: 267 Snell Engineering Center

Ph.D. Students

Nano- Fabrication

Ziqiang Cai

Ph.D. Candidate

Metasurface Multiplexing

Lin Deng

Ph.D. Candidate

Biosensing & Bound in Continuum Design

Xian Zhe Zhang

Ph.D. Candidate

Unsupervised Machine Learning & Non-Hermitian Topological Design

Tae Yoon Kim

Ph.D. Candidate

Optical Neural Networks

Alex Montes Mcneil

Ph.D. Candidate

Master Students

Microscopy & Deep Learning

Allen Zhang

Master of Science at Khoury

Meta-Material & Deep Learning

Yuxiao Li

Master of Engineering at COE

From left to right: Kan Yao, Han Gao, Feng Cheng, Zhouqing Wang, Yihao Xu, Yongmin Liu, Bo Xiong, Wei Ma, Qinlong Wen, Lei Zhang, Zhaoxian Su, Lin Li, Ziqiang Cai, Gaoming Li (Janunary, 2018)